Video on Teaching Subject and Verb Agreement to 6 Year Old

Fortunately, I understand how to use verb matching. Thank you Rebecca professor. You give me the chance to improve my understanding of verbs. To ensure that the subject of a sentence correctly matches the verb. If the sentence begins with “none of + plural noun”, the verb can be singular or plural. just like that: none of the students are free to leave. None of the students are free to leave. Watch this video to hear teacher Ms. Shaukat explain more about how to match the subject to the verb in a sentence. Determine that the verb matches the subject by adding the correct word. One of them was made for you.

Hi Rebecca, thank you very much. Very useful videos for me. The verb in a sentence is the word that shows action or being. If you`re writing about a person or thing that performs an action (just to talk about “they,” “he,” or “he”), your verb should end with the letter s. Thank you teacher. All your lessons are amazing and I usually try to improve my English skills with your lessons. In this sentence, the subject is Maya and the verb is kicks. If the subject of a sentence is plural, it means that more than one person or thing performs the action or is something. In this case, you need to choose a plural form of the verb that corresponds to the plural subject. “It was an ordinary day on the construction site” contains a false verb. Think back to what Ms.

Shaukat explained in the Teacher Talk video about using ma, being and being. All this comes from the verb to be. Look at the following table that shows that the verb is used with the topics you encountered earlier in the lesson. Omg!! I got 10/10. wonderful lessons. Thank you Rebecca. To learn more about the different videos, please visit thank you, Rebecca, for very simple lessons and good examples, I still have this confusing for me, but I will watch the video again and again until I understand it. Thank you Rebecca. The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that performs the action or that is something. Watch this video now for a summary of how verbs are used in sentences. This will help you better prepare for topics and verbal activities later in this lesson.

Check out his report below. They have to find all the wrong verbs and rewrite them to fit their subjects. A TV journalist sees the gorilla monster, but he is so scared that he confuses his verbs! So far, you`ve looked at verbs in the present tense – and then something happens now or regularly. Rebecca, you are an sent God. I have a hard time learning English even though I`m english-speaking. My spelling and reading were so bad, but since I found your learning, I now look forward to applying for a place to study in September of next year. You don`t know how many people you are influencing and giving them another chance to achieve something. Thank you very much, God bless you. Bravo Rabbi You did a good job of teaching! Validations. If you use the past tense, for things that have already happened, verbs can be used and were.

These also come from the verb be and are attributed to a subject, such as am, is, and are. Check out the table below to see how to use the game with different themes. Most verbs follow the same pattern as this verb. You must choose a singular form of the verb that corresponds to the singular subject. Click on the correct word each time to identify the subject or verb. Dear Professor Rebecca. Thank you for your time and commitment to teaching the English language. Their pedagogical methodology is excellent.

Sincerely José Look at the verb next to “she, he, that” in the painting: play. This has the letter s at the end. Rebecca, thank you so much for this refreshing lesson on the subject-verb:-D agreement, I just took the test before seeing the lesson, and I had 4 wrong sentences. Then I looked at it and understood why I was making these mistakes. Excellent explanation and I will check the countable and countless names to be better at writing or speaking. Great lesson! But I think “none of + name” is a little different from the others after learning from Adam`s lesson and searching for information online. Most of the cakes are delicious, all the cars were old, some of the medicines were outdated, none of the rooms were clean Both sentences are correct. But the explanations are different. Adam says we tend to say, “None of the students are free to go” and “None of the students are free to go” is an informal way. But the online explanation says, “None of the students are free to walk,” focus on the individual, and “None of the students are free to leave.”, focus on the group. .